π VuePress
VuePress is a static site generator that's especially good at documentation, built by the creators of Vue. It's flexible, well-used and has great documentation.

Building a static site? If you like and work with Vue, you should check out VuePress (code). While newer tooling like vitepress
may get all the "press", VuePress is still a great stable choice for building good looking documentation sites:

Wondering why you should choose VuePress over some other solutions? Like most high-quality projects, VuePress includes a section answering just that question. One important reason to choose VuePress over something like vitepress
is plugin support.
The good documentation doesn't stop there, the Getting Started page is nice and easy to follow, along with instructions on handling common concerns like i18n, Markdown options, and deployment.
There's also an Awesome List for VuePress Β that's worth checking out:
Getting started with VuePress
Like the rest of the Vue ecosystem, VuePress is really easy to get started with. Here is the minimal set of commands you could use to get started (assuming you're using pnpm
mkdir vuepress-starter
cd vuepress-starter
pnpm init
pnpm add -D vuepress@next @vuepress/client@next vue
vuepress dev docs
See the official getting started guide for information (including set up of a git
repo and common commands for your VuePress project).