🧑‍💻👩‍💻 Verto.sh

verto.sh - Your Gateway to Open Source Collaboration
verto.sh simplifies your entry into the open-source world by curating accessible projects. Ideal for beginners making their first contribution, founders building teams, and maintainers seeking new contributors. Explore, contribute, and foster innovation with verto.sh.

Verto (Code), formally known as first-issue is a place to find your first contributions in the open source world. We love open source software that helps people find their way in open source.

verto.sh homepage

Verto helps you find projects that have small or large amounts of open issues, search by tags and stars, and find a project that you can contribute to.

🌠 Features

Verto makes it really easy to find projects that need more contributors or have a bunch of outstanding issues. If you're the type that wants to take 4 issues to zero, or the type that wants to take 100 issues to 90, they've got features for you.

  • Find new issues
  • Find by least or most stars
  • Search name, description and tags of various free and open source projects
  • Browse by programming language

🤖 As described by AI

The GitHub project "verto" by lucavallin is positioned as a gateway to open-source collaboration, designed to connect developers with projects that are welcoming contributions. It aims to simplify the process for developers to find suitable open-source projects to contribute to, especially targeting those looking to make their first contributions, founders seeking to build their teams, and maintainers in search of new contributors. The project emphasizes inclusivity within the open-source community by facilitating easier access to projects in need of support.

📺 Watch this

Verto doesn't have any videos you can watch really, but here's an awesome video from FOSDEM 2024 by the Daniel Stenberg, creator of curl:

👟 Getting started

The fastest way to get started is to go use Verto and find projects you find awesome. you can do that on Verto.sh:

verto.sh - Your Gateway to Open Source Collaboration
verto.sh simplifies your entry into the open-source world by curating accessible projects. Ideal for beginners making their first contribution, founders building teams, and maintainers seeking new contributors. Explore, contribute, and foster innovation with verto.sh.

⚒️ Building Verto yourself

Verto is built with NodeJS, so if you want to build it and run it locally, make sure you have the node tool chain installed (you'll need npm) and run the following after checking out the repo:

# Install the dependencies
npm install
# Start the development server
npm run dev

Unfortunately Verto doesn't have a Dockerfile or any way to start with docker so you're going to have to write your own, or build it and deploy from scratch.

🧑‍💻 Want to contribute?

Verto has a public issue tracker, and accepts Pull Requests, so you can get in there and find something awesome to work on!