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Three.js is a JavaScript library for easily creating 3D graphics on the web, utilizing WebGL for seamless integration of immersive visuals into websites and applications.


Three.js (Code) is an open-source JavaScript library designed to simplify the creation and rendering of 3D graphics on the web.

GitHub - mrdoob/three.js: JavaScript 3D Library.
JavaScript 3D Library. Contribute to mrdoob/three.js development by creating an account on GitHub.

Built on top of the WebGL API, Three.js provides a high-level abstraction, making it accessible for developers to incorporate 3D models, animations, and interactive elements into their websites or applications with ease.

ThreeJS offers a comprehensive set of features, including scene management, camera controls, lighting, materials, and geometry, enabling the development of immersive and visually appealing online experiences. With a large and active community, Three.js continues to evolve, making it a versatile and widely adopted tool for web-based 3D graphics development.

ThreeJS home page

Check out the things people are building with ThreeJS on the Examples page:

ThreeJS examples page

🤖 As described by AI

Three.js is a JavaScript library that simplifies the creation of 3D graphics on the web, offering a user-friendly interface over WebGL. With a vibrant community, extensive documentation, and support for VR/AR, it enables developers to easily integrate immersive 3D experiences into web applications.

✅ Features

ThreeJS has a lot of features that enable 3D development:

  1. WebGL Abstraction: Simplifies WebGL complexities for accessible 3D content creation.
  2. Scene Management: Organizes 3D elements within scenes for effective environment structuring.
  3. Cameras and Controls: Supports various cameras and user interaction controls for scene navigation.
  4. Geometry and Materials: Provides predefined shapes and materials for easy 3D object creation.
  5. Lights and Shadows: Offers diverse lighting options and shadow implementation for realistic scenes.
  6. Animation: Enables smooth animations with keyframes and dynamic effects.
  7. Post-processing Effects: Includes effects like bloom and motion blur for enhanced visuals.
  8. Raycasting: Supports raycasting for mouse picking and interaction scenarios.
  9. Exporters and Importers: Allow importing external 3D models and exporting scenes in incompatible formats.
  10. Cross-browser Compatibility: Ensures consistent 3D experiences across different web browsers.
  11. Responsive Design: Adapts to various screen sizes, making it suitable for desktop and mobile devices.

with ThreeJS we can animate our site more efficiently and more attractive.

👟 Getting started with ThreeJS

Setup a Local Development Environment:

# Example for installing Node.js and npm (Linux)
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install nodejs
sudo apt-get install npm

Create a Basic HTML File:

  • Create an HTML file using a text editor.
touch index.html
code index.html  # Opens Visual Studio Code with the newly created file

Include Three.js Library:

  • Download Three.js or use a CDN.bash
# Download Three.js (if needed)
wget https://threejs.org/build/three.min.js

Set Up a Scene:

  • Open index.html and add the following code.html
  // Your Three.js code goes here

Create a Scene, Camera, and Renderer:

  • Add the following code to the script tag.
var scene = new THREE.Scene();
var camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(75, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 0.1, 1000);
var renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer();
renderer.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);

Add a Cube:

  • Continue adding the cube code. javascript
var geometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry();
var material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ color: 0x00ff00 });
var cube = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material);

Animate the Cube:

  • Add the animation code. javascript
function animate() {
  cube.rotation.x += 0.01;
  cube.rotation.y += 0.01;
  renderer.render(scene, camera);

Run Your Local Server:

  • Install and start a local server.
npm install -g http-server

Open Your Browser:

  • Open a web browser and navigate to http://localhost:8080 or the address provided by your local server.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli containerd.io

Inspect and Debug:

  • Use browser developer tools to inspect and debug your Three.js application.

See more details on the ThreeJS Getting Started page.