💼 REI3

REI3 enables teammates to build internal applications for other teammates, and make it easier to run your business.

REI3 - Business Software for Everyone
Open and powerful low-code development with REI3. Free to use and easy to install on your own systems - anyone can meet their business software needs with REI3.

REI3 (code) is an enterprise-ready low-code platform for building applications.

REI3 screenshot (source: https://rei3.de/)

With a graphical builder that is easy to use, REI3 enables users to build business applications that teammates can use and be productive with.

The GUI builder application makes it possible to graphically manage database fields, forms, and more. The graphical builder helps creators plan the layout of an application and it's functionality:

REI3 has a great set of administrative documentation, but if you're more interested in trying REI3, check out the demo instance

Running REI3

While REI3 has great documetation including how to install, it isn't necessarily docker friendly, so you will need to install the software somewhat manually to get going.

The instructions (as listed in the documentation) aren't too hard and boil down to:

  • Set up PostgreSQL
  • Download a release of REI3
  • Ensure r3 is executable
  • Edit the config template config_template.json and save it to config.json
  • Install a SystemD service for REI3 via ./r3 -install
  • Start REI3 via systemctl start rei3

A little more complicated than other container-first software, but at the very least the install instructions are fairly concise (and certainly easy relative to other proprietary enterprise-grade software).