
Ghost makes it easy to build blogs, newsletters, landing pages and much more.

Welcome to the very first edition of Awesome F/OSS. If you're getting this email in your inbox thanks for coming along from the ride, early adopter!

πŸš€ Project of the day: Ghost

Ghost: The Creator Economy Platform
The world’s most popular modern publishing platform for creating a new media platform. Used by Apple, SkyNews, Buffer, OpenAI, and thousands more.

Ghost (code) is blogging software that rivals Wordpress in it's ease of use – businesses all over the world use Ghost free of charge and also via Ghost's hosted platform Ghost(Pro).

Ghost makes it easy to build blogs, newsletters, landing pages, portfolio pages and more. It's extremely flexible, well known and easy to use:

Ghost admin interface (

Ghost provides an alternative to paid services like Substack. In fact, this newsletter itself runs on Ghost – it's great software.

πŸ’° F/OSS support update

New people have pledged to support F/OSS software πŸŽ‰!

This means new projects are being supported by Awesome F/OSS, which we're all exicted about. Here are the new projects being supported:

To see all the projects supported by Awesome F/OSS, check out the Giving Back page.