
Flagr makes it easy to add feature flags to any application you're developing. A/B tests, easy configuration, setting and toggle flags, and the code is all open source!

🚀 Project of the day: Flagr

GitHub - openflagr/flagr: Flagr is a feature flagging, A/B testing and dynamic configuration microservice
Flagr is a feature flagging, A/B testing and dynamic configuration microservice - GitHub - openflagr/flagr: Flagr is a feature flagging, A/B testing and dynamic configuration microservice

Flagr (code) is an enterprise-ready feature flagging and management tool! You can use it on your software projects to easily change feature flags from a distance (and the relative safety of a UI rather than a database).

Editing segments in Flagr (source: https://openflagr.github.io/flagr/#/flagr_use_cases)

Flagr also makes it possible to A/B test, and with 2k ⭐s on Github, it's likely lots of users are running it for A/B testing and other uses!

If you're not using feature flags (sometimes called feature toggles) for your software development, consider using them in the future, as a way to easily deploy multiple changes at the same time without necessarily turning them on all at the same time.