Awesome F/OSS #48
Hoppscotch for testing REST and GraphQL APIs, LaTeX for beautiful typesetting on the internet, and Unleash for managing feature-flagging in your application.
Three awesome Free and Open Source projects for you to check out this week:
👽 Hoppscotch

Interacting with APIs is easy with Hoppscotch (code). A similar project to Postman, it provides tools for making requests to APIs, testing authentication schemes, and viewing responses. Hoppscotch supports both REST APIs and GraphQL.
🧮 LaTeX.css
LaTex.css (code) is a CSS framework that makes it easy to display LaTeX format for markup. LaTeX is a favorite of mathmaticians and researchers alike, providing a stable way to typeset numerical and symbol heavy notation in a printable fashion. LaTex.css gives you that power right in the browser.
🔘 Unleash

Unleash (code) is a fully F/OSS feature flagging management platform. While some features are locked behind Pro/Enterprise plans, useful feature flagging can be done in a self hosted manner, and there's lots of SDK support to go around. If you're using feature flags to segment your frontend and backend functionality, give Unleash a try!
It's been a bit delayed, but glad to share more awesome F/OSS this week!
As always, thanks for reading, and make sure to support these projects (whether via Github star, donations or word-of-mouth), and get more recognition to awesome projects.
Know of a project we've missed? Suggest a project to Awesome F/OSS!