💻 🤯 Awesome F/OSS #46

InvenTree for managing your parts and tools, VuePress for building static sites, Metabase for business intelligence, data charting and visualization.

Three awesome Free and Open Source projects for you to check out this week:

📋 InvenTree

InvenTree is an open-source inventory management system which provides intuitive parts management and stock control. It is at the center of an ecosystem of addins for EDA tools, API wrapper, deeply integrated plugins and 3rd party tools.

InvenTree (code) is an open source inventory management system – it helps you keep track of all the little (and big) parts around your home and office. It's easy to deploy, built on a well-known stack (python and django) and has a UI and API for your inventory management needs.

📑 VuePress

Home | VuePress
Vue-powered Static Site Generator

VuePress (code) is a static site generator powered by Vue. While it's a little older than some newer options in the Vue ecosystem like vitepress, VuePress is still a great option and being actively worked on. If you're using Vue and need to build a docs site, give VuePress a try along with newer options.

📊 Metabase

Metabase | Business Intelligence, Dashboards, and Data Visualization
Metabase business intelligence, dashboards, and data visualization tools. Dig deeper into your data with open source, no SQL tools for data visualization.

Metabase (code) is a F/OSS business intelligence tool – data wrangling, charting, visualizations and more. If you've got numbers that are important to track, Metabase makes it easier to track them. When you're ready to show your calculations to others, visualizations are very easy with Metabase.


As always, thanks for reading, and make sure to support these projects (whether via  Github star, donations or word-of-mouth), and get more recognition to awesome projects.

Know of a project we've missed? Suggest a project to Awesome F/OSS!
