🌎 dsnet

dsnet makes setting up Wireguard VPNs easy and quick (even quicker than wg-quick!). If you're managing your wireguard networks manually give dsnet a try.

GitHub - naggie/dsnet: FAST command to manage a centralised wireguard VPN. Think wg-quick but quicker: key generation + address allocation.
FAST command to manage a centralised wireguard VPN. Think wg-quick but quicker: key generation + address allocation. - GitHub - naggie/dsnet: FAST command to manage a centralised wireguard VPN. Thi...

Creating virtual private networks (VPNs) with Wireguard for your home devices? If you're done making all your configurations manually, check out dsnet – it's a tool for building self-hosted Wireguard VPNs with minimal toil.

Preview of dsnet CLI operation (source: https://github.com/naggie/dsnet)

dsnet is F/OSS under the MIT license so it's easy to trust (and use in corporate environments as well!), and it aims to be even easier than built-in tools like wg-quick.

Running dsnet

The project is primarily a CLI interface with expressive options:

    dsnet [command]

Available Commands:
  add         Add a new peer + sync
  down        Destroy the interface, run pre/post down
  help        Help about any command
  init        Create /etc/dsnetconfig.json containing default configuration + new keys without loading. Edit to taste.
  regenerate  Regenerate keys and config for peer
  remove      Remove a peer by hostname provided as argument + sync
  report      Generate a JSON status report to stdout
  sync        Update wireguard configuration from /etc/dsnetconfig.json after validating
  up          Create the interface, run pre/post up, sync
  version     Print version

  -h, --help            help for this command
      --output string   config file format: vyatta/wg-quick/nixos (default "wg-quick")

Use "dsnet [command] --help" for more information about a command.

For those who like to read the documentation first, check out the repository, and the FAQ section in particular on how to get started and common pitfalls.