
Bagisto makes it easy to build custom eCommerce sites by doing the backend for you. Works with Vue Storefront and Next.js Commerce!

🚀 Project of the day: Bagisto

GitHub - bagisto/bagisto: An easy to use, free and open source laravel eCommerce platform to build your online shop in no time.
An easy to use, free and open source laravel eCommerce platform to build your online shop in no time. - GitHub - bagisto/bagisto: An easy to use, free and open source laravel eCommerce platform to ...

Bagisto (code) is a Free and Open Source eCommerce suite powered by Laravel, a PHP web framework. With a modern codebase (and modern PHP versions), Bagisto makes it easy to build eCommerce websites and sell products (or anything else) online.

Bagisto requirements and example (source:

Bagisto is "headless" so this means that it doesn't provide the store front (the website where users can purchase products), but gives you the backend services and endpoints to build your website with.

Bagisto provides you with:

  • Cart management
  • Product information storage
  • Search
  • Internationalization (i18n)
  • API

Bagisto does more, but we won't list all of it here. As for the front end, Bagisto can be used with projects like Next.js Commerce:

enter image description here

If you're looking to build an eCommerce site and dont' want to skip the tedious backend work, check out Bagisto.